Passionflower Uplift

Passionflower Uplift

from $12.00

Made from wildcrafted, locally grown passionflower from our family hikes to help promote a calm uplifted spirit. Passionflower is known to be helpful in relieving anxiety. It is combined in this tincture with organic Chamomile infused local honey to also calm and organic Lemon Balm to uplift and organic Hawthorne to heal the heart.

Ingredients: alcohol (solvent) wild passionflower, org lemon balm, org hawthorn leaf and flowers, local honey infused with chamomile flowers.

Dose for adults is one dropperful (approximately 30 drops) daily for prevention or a dropperful as frequent as every 2 hours during acute symptoms. Dosing for children is less 10-15 drops daily for prevention or 5-10 drops every 2 hours during acute symptoms.

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